Faculty Milestones
Richard Benton was appointed as the inaugural director of the Illinois Climate Jobs Institute.
Michael LeRoy has received several media mentions, including in Forbes (about gig workers) and the New York Times (collective bargaining in sports).
Bob Bruno continues to receive a lot of coverage in articles about four-day workweeks.
Stephen Ashby was mentioned in the New York Times regarding collective bargaining agreements with teachers who also serve the community.
Ryan Lamare was chosen as the winner of the LERA 2023 James G. Scoville Best International/Comparative Industrial Relations Paper Award for his paper co-authored with John Budd: “The relative importance of industrial relations ideas in politics: A quantitative analysis of political party manifestos across 54 countries.”
Ryan Lamare has been named Associate Editor at the journal Labour and Industry, which is connected to the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ). https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rlab20.
Michael Leroy was featured in the University of Illinois Law Review with the article “Do College Athletes Get NIL? Unreasonable Restraints on Player Access to Sports Branding Markets.” https://illinoislawreview.org/print/vol-2023-no-1/do-college-athletes-get-nil/?fbclid=IwAR3GUK8Lgub_ViTdIvEjxzaWHNixMwm1X9OAwcw_VdhEv9gLUqPsIIBfvnQ.
Michael Leroy continues to receive interest in his work with the NIL in college athletics and has received quite a bit of press coverage. He was quoted in the New York Times article, “Hamlin’s Injury Highlights Precarious Position of Many Young N.F.L. Players,” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/29/sports/football/nfl-contracts-injuries-young-players.html.
Bob Bruno was quoted in Crain’s Chicago Business about the looming hotel worker strike in Chicago: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/commercial-real-estate/chicago-hotels-labor-unions-convention-tourism?utm_source=editorial-promos&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20230217&utm_content=hero-headline.
Alison Dickson was highlighted by The Aspen Institute in their job quality fellows profile series: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/longform/job-quality-fellows-profile-series/alison-dickson/.
Both Michael LeRoy and Bob Bruno have had numerous hits in the media. Most recently, the UAW and SAG strikes have kept them busy responding to media inquiries: https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/hollywood-strikes-enter-new-phase-daytime-shows-drew-103249693
Bob Bruno had news coverage for his upcoming book on work: https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/9/4/23854693/university-illinois-urbana-champaign-robert-bruno-book-labor-work.
Alison Dickson was the lead author, along with Gus Wood, on a PMCR study for the City of Chicago regarding legislation requiring businesses to pay their workers the same minimum hourly wage, regardless of whether they earn tips. https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam/city/depts/bacp/OSL/coctippedworkerreport2023.pdf
Bo Zhang led work on a new project that points to a better way of assessing noncognitive abilities such as personality and career interests: https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/583462727.
A 2021 PMCR Right-to-Work study was featured at UnionTrack: https://uniontrack.com/blog/right-to-work-myth.
Faculty Publications
Teresa Cardador’s published paper “Unpacking the status-leveling burden for women in male-dominated occupations” (Cardador, Hill, & Salles, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2022) was a Runner-up for the AOM-Careers Division Best Published Paper Award.
Christine Riordan and Ryan Lamare co-wrote a paper with co-authors at MSU titled “Do workers speak up when feeling job insecure? Examining workers’ response to precarity during the COVID-19 pandemic.” It was recently published at Work and Occupations. https://doi.org/10.1177/07308884221128481
Ryan Lamare, Bob Bruno, and doctoral student Weihao Li wrote the paper “Does Union Canvassing Affect Voter Turnout Under Conditions of Political Constraint? Empirical Evidence from Illinois,” published in the Labor Studies Journal.
Ingrid Fulmer had a paper accepted in Personnel Psychology for the 75th Anniversary Issue with coauthors Barry Gerhart and Ji Hyun Kim. “Compensation and performance: A review and recommendations for the future.”
Shinjae Won, along with Matthew Bidwell, recently published a new article in Strategic Management Journal: “Finding the Right Path to the Top: How Past Interorganizational Moves Impact Executive Selection Outcomes,” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/smj.3502.
Teresa Cardador and Simon Restubog, along with LER Ph.D. candidate Grisel Lopez-Alvarez, wrote a paper titled, “Women perceive incivility from men as gender bias: Coping responses and boundary conditions” which was awarded the 2023 Phillips and Nadkarni Award for Outstanding Paper on Diversity and Cognition in the AOM-Managerial & Organizational Cognition Division.
Simon Restubog and LER Ph.D. candidate Constantine Lagios were two of the co-authors of the new paper “It takes two to tango: A multidisciplinary bibliometric review across six decades of dyadic service encounter research,” to be published in the Journal of Service Management.
Simon Restubog was a coauthor on “A Multilevel Review of Artificial Intelligence in Organizations: Implications for Organizational Behavior Research and Practice” in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, “The Vulnerable Workforce: A Call for Research,” along with PhD candidate Yaqing He, in the Journal of Management, and “A Trickle-Out Model of Organizational Dehumanization and Displaced Aggression,” again with Constantine Lagios, in the Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Simon Restubog, Fritz Drasgow, and Dan Newman were included in Stanford’s list of the world’s top 2% scientists.
List of Teachers Ranked Excellent
Summer 2023
Steven Ashby
Robert Bruno
Dan Gilbert
Ryan Lamare for LER 543, Workplace Dispute Resolution
Michael LeRoy for LER 522, Employment Law for HR Managers: Discriminations, Compensation, and Privacy
Eliza Neuman for LER 533, Fundamentals of Business Management
YoungAh Park for LER 590
Yuanyuan Sun for LER 545, Economics of Human Resources
Emily E. LB. Twarog
Michael Walsh for LER 531, Workforce Analytics
Augustus Wood
Spring 2023
Richard Benton for LER 523, Organizational Fundamentals for HR, and LER 569, Power and Influence for HRM
Teresa Cardador for LER 535, Negotiation Principles and HR Context, and LER 591, Employment Relations Systems
Gentzy Franz for LER 597, Employee Motivation and Performance (online)
Amit Kramer for LER 591, Employment Relations Systems (online)
Ryan Lamare for LER 543, Workplace Dispute Resolution, LER 550, Game Theory and HR Strategy, and LER 556, Industrial Relations Theory (online)
Yihao Liu for LER 590MT, Managing Teams
Mengjie Lyu for LER 561, Compensation Systems
Dan Newman for LER 590 DDD, HR Analytics, Data-Driven Decisions
Brian Ogolsky for LER 593, Quantitative Methods in Labor and Employment Relations (online)
Youngah Park for LER 590 GI Management of Workplace Gender Issues
Tingting Zhang for LER 558, Faculty/Student Workshop, and LER 567, Negotiation in HR Decisions
Ph.D. Notes/Milestones
Yonjin Suh passed her Area of Specialization exam; her committee was Amit Kramer, chair, Dan Newman, and YoungAh Park.
Patricia Tabarani has been awarded the Pola and Harry Triandis LER Ph.D. Scholarship for summer 2023.
Sohee Kim passed her Area of Specialization exam that took place on Friday, January 27th; her committee was comprised of Professors YoungAh Park, Simon Restubog, and Dan Newman.
Sang-Hoon Lee accepted a tenure-track position in OB/HR in the Management Department of the College of Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Kwon Hee Han passed his second-year paper on February 28. Richard Benton served as his advisor and first reader, and Jiwook Jung was the second reader.
Ki-Jung Kim successfully deposited his dissertation; he has accepted a tenure track job in the Department of Management, Marketing, and International Business, College of Business at Eastern Kentucky University.
Suyeon Kang passed her Area of Specialization exam; her committee members were Andrew Weaver (chair), Matt Kratz, Jiwook Jung, and Becky Barker. She has also been selected for the Tim Judge Fellowship for summer 2023.
Chen Tang successfully deposited his dissertation and will be an Assistant Professor at the American University Kogod School of Business.
Yaqing He received a Robert P. Larsen Grant to support research topics relevant to career development and presented work on May 4; Patricia Tabarani received a new Larsen grant and will present her work next year.
Sang-Hoon Lee successfully defended his dissertation, “EMOTIONAL AND INTERPERSONAL REACTIONS TO COWORKER WORKAHOLISM: AN ATTRIBUTIONAL MODEL OF WORAKHOLISM AND MOTIVES.” – his committee was Amit Kramer (co-chair), Yihao Liu (co-chair), Teresa Cardador, and Dan Newman; Hoon deposited his dissertation on the 26th and has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, College of Business Administration, Loyola Marymount University.
Grisel Lopez passed her Area of Specialization exam; her committee was Teresa Cardador (chair), Simon Restubog, and Amit Kramer.
Fall 2022 List of Instructors Ranked Excellent includes three LER TAs: Kwonhee Han, Sohee Kim, and Chen Tang.
Yeaseul Hur has passed her Area of Specialization Exam; her committee was Eunmi Mun, Chair, Andrew Weaver and Matt Kraatz.
Staff Milestones
Chris Hansen was approved to present a course at the National Trainer’s Exchange in Indianapolis in May. The National Trainer’s Exchange is hosted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences every two years. He previously presented at the National Trainer’s Exchange in Phoenix in 2019.
Eden Haycraft was promoted to Director, Graduate Online Programs.
Brian Neighbors (Associate Director, Student Experience) and Nell Madigan (Associate Dean, External Relations and Operations) have received updated titles. These new titles better reflect their great work to help our LER mission.
Courtney Nierenhausen joined the main office supporting our alumni/development function.
Wyatt Martin is chairing two committees on campus this year: Business Managers Group (BMG) and Administrative Budget Committee (ABC).
Nell Madigan received the Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award at a ceremony on April 25. Her podcast is available at https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/media/t/1_2hts5cjs.
Brian Neighbors received a Robert P. Larsen Grant to support research topics relevant to career development and will present his work in 2024.
Ursulla Idelman joined the Labor Education Program as an Office Manager.
Jerrica Hood joined the School as our new Communication and Events Specialist.
Eden Haycraft was married to Doug Smothers on April 14th in Champaign … and they’re having a baby!!
Becky Barker was reappointed to the Subcommittee for Undergraduate/Graduate Student Conduct (4th year).