Tingting Zhang

Assistant Professor

School of Labor and Employment Relations

233 LER Building, 504 E. Armory Ave., Champaign, IL 61820


PhD, Industrial Relations and Human Resources, University of Toronto, 2017
MA, Economics, University of Toronto, Canada
BA, Economics, University of British Columbia, Canada
BSc, Computer Science, Shandong University, China

Research Interests

Unions as organizations, social media communication and union renewal, occupational licensing

Dr. Zhang’s research within industrial relations focuses on the role of information communication technology (ICT), such as social media, in labor movements and union renewal. In employment relations, she studies various training and skill development mechanisms both within and outside organizations, examining how occupational regulation and the emergence of nondegree credentials influence the career outcomes of marginalized groups, including women and immigrants. Her work has been published in several scholarly journals, including British Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Journal, International Migration Review, and International Journal of Training and Development.

Professional Credential


Selected Publications

Frangi, L., Signoretti, A., & Zhang, T. (2024). Union officers’ turnaway: Push, pull, and values in Canada, Italy, and the United States. British Journal of Industrial Relations.  https://doi.org/10.1111/bjir.12822.   

Lyu, M., Zhang, T., & Ye, H. (2023). Labour market impacts of occupational licensing and delicensing: New evidence from China. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 61(4), 895-921.

Frangi, L., & Zhang, T. (2022). Global union federations on affiliates’ websites: Forces shaping unions’ global organisational identity. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(2), 444-466.

Zhang, T., & Banerjee, R. (2021). Bridges or Barriers? The Relationship between Immigrants’ Early Labor Market Adversities and Long-term Earnings. International Migration Review, 01979183211000286.

Frangi, L., Zhang, T., & Hebdon, R. (2020). Tweeting and retweeting for fight for $15: Unions as dinosaur opinion leaders?. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(2), 301-335.


LER 564 HR Training and Development
LER 567 Negotiation in HR Decisions
LER 561 Compensation System
LER 570 Leadership for HR Managers

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