Joseph J. Martocchio

- (217) 244-4098
- (217) 244-9290
125 LER Building, 504 E. Armory Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820-6297
PhD, Human Resource Management, Michigan State University, 1989
Master of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State University, 1986
Bachelor of Science, Organizational Behavior, Babson College, 1984
On the Intellectually Exciting Environment at LER
“The faculty brings together different theoretical and practical perspectives on the meaning of the employment relationship. The myriad perspectives have helped me sharpen my research questions and to provide students alternative perspectives besides my own.
Our master’s degree and doctoral degree programs provide students with the breadth and depth of knowledge they need to successfully pursue careers in the profit-, not-for-profit- and public sectors, labor union leadership, and distinguished research and teaching careers in colleges and universities domestically and internationally.”
Interests & Accomplishments
Professor Martocchio has served as interim Dean and a Provost Fellow in the Illinois Executive Leadership Program where he was undertaking projects on strategic human resource (HR) issues for the campus. He has also served as associate dean for Academic Affairs and director of Degree Programs in the School of Labor and Employment Relations.
His research interests focus on various HR issues, including compensation, training, absenteeism and generational dynamics in the workplace. Martocchio received the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He also is a Fellow of the Society as well as of the American Psychological Association.
Professor Martocchio is the author of numerous scholarly articles, and he has written two text books in the fields of compensation and employee benefits: Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (7th edition) and Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals (5th edition).
LER 561 Compensation Systems
LER 564 Human Resource Training and Development
LER 590EB Special Topics in Employee Benefits
LER 590H Micro Research Methods and Processes (PhD course)
LER 591 Employment Relations Systems