Dan Newman


School of Labor & Employment Relations and Department of Psychology

229 LER Building, 504 E. Armory Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820-6297

Professor Daniel Newman is the Inaugural Martin Wagner Professor. He holds a joint appointment with the School and the Department of Psychology.

Dan’s research expertise is in industrial psychology/Human Resources/Organizational Behavior, focusing on racial equality in hiring, emotional intelligence, leadership and gender, and work engagement.  His research has been published in a variety of top journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Psychological Bulletin, as well as in other journals and edited volumes. He has been awarded numerous academic honors, including the Academy of Management HR Division Scholarly Achievement Award; Academy of Management Research Methods Division Advancement of Organizational Research Methodology Award (twice), Best Reviewer Award, and Early Career Award; and the Society for I/O Psychology William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award. He was elected Chair of the 2,300-member Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management, and is a Fellow of the APA. Dan served as Associate Editor of Organizational Research Methods, and has been on the University of Illinois List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent continuously for the past 14 years. He has served on 55 dissertation committees, of which he has Chaired/Co-Chaired 18. His published papers have been cited over 12,800 times. Dan teaches courses in data, statistics, and employee motivation/ performance for the School.


PhD, Organizational Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
MS, Organizational Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
BA, Psychology, Rice University

Research and Professional Interests

Emotional intelligence (Cascading model, gender)
Leadership & Gender (personality dominance/agency, emotional & social skills)
Work engagement (Attitude-engagement model, time & change, work withdrawal, job attitudes)
Adverse impact/diversity in HR management (racial equality in hiring/admissions, diversity recruiting)
Social Networks & Research methods (missing data, longitudinal and multilevel designs, measurement, meta-analysis)
Narcissism (leadership, counterproductive work behavior, gender)


Sage/McDonald Advancement of Organizational Research Methodology Award (2020), Research Methods Division, Academy of Management

Best Paper of the Year (2020), Personnel Psychology

Elected Division Chair, Research Methods Division, Academy of Management (2,300 members; 5 year chair cycle, 2013-2018)

Best Convention Paper Award (2016), Human Resources Division, Academy of Management

Best Paper of the Year (2014), Organizational Research Methods

Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2013), School of Labor & Employment Relations, U. of Illinois (awarded to one faculty member per year, selected by students)

Early Career Achievement Award (2010), Research Methods Division, Academy of Management

Sage/McDonald Advancement of Organizational Research Methodology Award (2010), Research Methods Division, Academy of Management

Scholarly Achievement Award (2007), Human Resources Division, Academy of Management

William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award (2008), Society for I/O Psychology

Sage Best Paper Award (2008), Research Methods Division, Academy of Management

Best Reviewer of the Year (2008), Organizational Research Methods

Recent Publications

Twyman, M., Newman, D. A., DeChurch, L., & Contractor, N. (2022). Teammate invitation networks: The roles of recommender systems and prior collaboration in team assembly. Social Networks68, 84-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2021.04.008

Wee, S., Newman, D. A., Song, Q. C., & Schinka, J. A. (2021). Vocational interests, gender, and job performance: Two person–occupation cross-level interactions. Personnel Psychology74(2), 323-368. https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12411

Jones, K. S., Newman, D. A., Su, R., & Rounds, J. (Accepted/In press). Black-White differences in vocational interests: Meta-analysis and boundary conditions. Journal of Business and Psychology36(4), 589-607. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-020-09693-5

Kim, J. Y., Hsu, N., Newman, D. A., Harms, P. D., & Wood, D. (2020). Leadership perceptions, gender, and dominant personality: The role of normality evaluations. Journal of Research in Personality87, [103984]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2020.103984

Newman, D. A., & Sin, H. P. (2020). Within-Group Agreement (rWG): Two Theoretical Parameters and their Estimators. Organizational Research Methods23(1), 30-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094428118809504


LER 597 Employee Motivation and Performance
PSYC 552 Social Psychology Theory and Methods II (Research Methods PhD seminar)
PSYC 598 Current Topics in Organizational Psychology (PhD seminar)
PSYC 455 Organizational Psychology

Psychology Department Website

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