2021 was an amazing year for our scholars!

Sanghoon Lee was awarded the Samsung Economic Research Institute (SERI) Scholarship by the Association of Korean Management Scholars (AKMS)  for the paper “Work To Win or Work Not to Lose? Promotion and Prevention Focus in Workaholism”, co-first authored with Drs. Sunjin Pak and Amit Kramer. The SERI Scholarship “recognizes four best papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Two SERI scholarships are awarded to papers in the strategy (STR), organization theory (OT) and/or entrepreneurship (ENT) domains, and the other two to papers in the organizational behavior (OB) and/or human resource management (HRM) domains.”

Yaqing He and Yijue Liang were awarded the Tim Judge Fellowship this summer. This fellowship is awarded annually to a LER doctoral student whose accomplishments are deemed to be exemplary by a faculty committee.

Ki-Jung Kim successfully passed his final draft of his second-year paper on August 2, 2021.

Yijue Liang successfully passed her preliminary exam on June 30, 2021. Thank you to her committee of YoungAh Park, chair, Fritz Drasgow, Yihao Liu and Simon Restubog.

Chen Tang passed his Area of Specialization exam on April 21, 2021. Thank you to his committee-Dan Newman, chair, Fritz Drasgow and James Rounds.

Sanghoon Lee passed his Area of Specialization exam on May 5, 2021. His committee was Yihao Liu, chair, Dan Newman and Amit Kramer.

Lucy Headrick won the OB Division of the Academy of Management’s Award for Best Dissertation-Based paper. The title of the paper is “Firefighters’ Emotional Demands and Off-Duty Unhealthy Behaviors: Social Resources as Moderators.”

Lucy Headrick successfully defended her dissertation on Wednesday, April 7.  Her dissertation entitled “Spiraling effects of firefighters? Emotional demands and off-duty unhealthy behaviors: psychosocial resources and healthy behaviors as moderators,” was officially deposited with the Graduate College Thesis Office. Her committee was YoungAh Park, Chair, Amit Kramer, Dan Newman and Simon Restubog. She accepted a tenure-track position in the Lucas College of Business at San Jose State University.

Yaqing He successfully passed her second-year paper requirement on February 22, 2021

Lucy Headrick was awarded the 2021 Society of Industrial and Organizational Graduate Student Scholarship Award. She was selected among a very competitive field and recognized for achievement in a graduate career.

Weihao Li has passed his Area of Specialization Exam on January 25, 2021 and his Preliminary Defense Exam on August 13, 2021. His committee was Ryan Lamare, chair, Bob Bruno, Christine Riordan and Tobias Schulze-Cleven.  

Yijue Liang, with faculty member Yihao Liu, had a paper recently published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.  Koopmann, J., Liu, Y., Liang, Y., & Liu, S. (2021). Job search self-regulation during COVID-19: Linking search constraints, health concerns, and invulnerability to job search processes and outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(7), 975–989. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000938 This paper was highlighted by the Illinois New Bureau on September 15: https://emails.illinois.edu/newsletter/1661734303.html

Aibak Hafeez successfully passed his Preliminary Exam (Three Essays on Controversies and Debates in ADR) on November 18, 2020. He passed his final exam on June 1, 2021 and deposited his dissertation, entitled ‘Workplace alternative dispute resolution: usage proclivity and outcomes’ on Friday, July 16. His committee was Ryan Lamare, chair, Ariel Avgar, Mark Gough and Michael LeRoy. He accepted a one-year post-doctoral fellowship with the Scheinman Institute, ILR School, Cornell University.