Congratulations to our faculty for their hard work and accomplishments in 2021!
Christine Riordan received a four-year, $446,021 grant from the National Science Foundation (from their Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier program.) The grant is part of a collaborative research project titled “Upskilling workers and redesigning workplaces for the future of automation in the hospitality industry,” undertaken in partnership with UNITE HERE, Carnegie Mellon University, Michigan State University, New Mexico State University, and Stockton University.
Bob Bruno received a $61,600 grant from Honeywell for his research project “Gig Economy Survey and Rideshare Minimum Wage Report”
Eliza Forsythe received a $30,000 grant from the Department of Labor for her research project “Understanding Disparities in Unemployment Insurance Recipiency
Andrew Weaver received a $16,254 grant from the Russell Sage Foundation (part of a larger Michigan State sponsorship) for his research project “Longitudinal Predictors of Skill Demands in Targeted U.S. Industries,” and a $55,510 grant from NSF (with Rutgers as the prime sponsor) for his research project “The Hidden Innovation Infrastructure: Understanding the Economic Development Role of Technician Education”
Richard Benton was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure and Ryan Lamare was promoted to Full Professor
Amit Kramer and Ryan Lamare were awarded the 2020 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award in December of 2020.
Simon Restubog published six articles, which include:
- Collins, M., & Restubog, S. L. D. (in press). The effect of trait anger and impulsiveness on ethical leadership and support for organizational change. Journal of Research in Personality.
- Garcia, P. R. J. M., Amarnani, R., Bordia, P., & Restubog, S. L. D. (in press). When support is unwanted: The role of psychological contract type and perceived organizational support in predicting bridge employment intentions. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- van Jaarsveld, D., Walker, D., Restubog, S. L. D., Skarlicki, D., Chen, Y., & Fricke, P. (in press). Unpacking the relationship between customer (in)justice and employee turnover outcomes: Can fair supervisor treatment reduce employees’ emotional turmoil? Journal of Service Research.
- Sheppard, L. D., O’Reilly, J., van Dijke, M., Restubog, S. L. D., & Aquino, K. (2020). The stress-relieving benefits of positively-experienced social sexual behavior in the workplace. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 156, 38-52.
- Zhu, L., Restubog, S. L. D., Leavitt, K., Zhou, L., & Wang, M. (2020). Lead the horse to water, but don’t make him drink: The effects of moral identity symbolization on co-worker behavior depend on perceptions of proselytization. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 156, 53-68.
- Restubog, S. L. D., Deen, C. M., Decoste, A., & He, Y. (in press). From vocational scholars to social justice advocates: Challenges and opportunities for vocational psychology research on the vulnerable workforce. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Michael LeRoy’s research article, “COVID-19 Protocols for NCAA Football and the NFL: Does Collective Bargaining Produce Safer Conditions for Players?,” will be published in Utah Law Review (Fall 2021). This law review has a meta-impact ranking of 50 among 196 general subject law reviews in the U.S.
YoungAh Park has two recent publications:
- Hu, X., Park, Y., Day, A., & Barber, L. K. (in press). Time to disentangle the information and communication technology (ICT) constructs: Developing a taxonomy around ICT use for occupational health research. Occupational Health Science.
- Kim, S., Cho, S., & Park, Y. (2021, March 1). Daily microbreaks in a self-regulatory resources lens: Perceived health climate as a contextual moderator via microbreak autonomy. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.
Bob Bruno, Emily E. LB. Twarog, Alison Dickson, Frank Mazo IV and Jill Gigstand’s PRMC white paper “Women and Childcare in Illinois: A Survey of Working Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic” was released on May 5, 2021 and has already received over 30 media hits. The Executive Summary is attached and the full report can be found on the PRMC website:
Yihao Liu, with current Ph.D. student Yijue Liang had a paper recently published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Koopmann, J., Liu, Y., Liang, Y., & Liu, S. (2021). Job search self-regulation during COVID-19: Linking search constraints, health concerns, and invulnerability to job search processes and outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(7), 975–989. This paper was highlighted by the Illinois New Bureau on September 15:
Yihao had a paper published in Personnel Psychology with his Ph.D. student in Psychology (Fan Xuan Chen). Liu, Y., Chen, F. X., Chiang, J. T-J., Wang, Z., & Liu, H. (in press). Asking how to fish vs. asking for fish: Antecedents and outcomes of different types of help-seeking at work. Personnel Psychology.
Yihao Liu was one of five scholars that received the Journal of Management Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2021. This award is given out to scholars who reviewed for the journal consistently, promptly and with the highest quality.
Michael LeRoy’s research article, “The Professional Labor Market for Teenage Basketball Players: Disruptive Competition to the NCAA’s Amateur Model,” will be published in Berkeley Journal of Entertainment and Sports Law.
Michael LeRoy recently was ranked #6 for total new downloads for Labor & Employment Faculty SSRN Rankings and #22 L & E All-Time Downloads.
Emily, E. LB. Twarog, along with Hesong Yang (Ph.D. student in Economics) were selected by the Department of Labor for the Summer Data Equity Challenge. This is a $30K grant to study inequities in the unemployment insurance this summer.
Emily was also cited in the Wall Street Journal article “When Americans Took to the Streets Over Inflation”
Emily, E. LB. Twarog has been chosen as winner of the LERA 2021 John T. Dunlop Outstanding Scholar Award for her contributions to research that address industrial relations/employment problems of national significance. The selection committee was especially impressed with her 2017 book Politics of the Pantry: Housewives, Food, and Consumer Protest in Twentieth Century America published by Oxford University Press and with her applied research with unions that bridges the scholarly and the practitioner worlds. Yay Emily!
Emily E. LB. Twarog, Stephanie Fortado and Gus Wood received a $2,500 HRI Research Cluster grants for their proposal “Critical Interventions in Labor Studies” research cluster. The goal of this Research Cluster program is to provide a structure for scholars with shared interests to collaboratively explore complex subjects with a level of support that will facilitate future development and funding.
Emily E. LB. Twarog was highlighted in one of the interactive, online booklets that were created at the Office of the Provost to highlight and celebrate the achievements of select members of our academic community in teaching, mentoring, research, and service.
She was featured in the third booklet, which is the annual report of Faculty Women at Illinois: “Celebrations, Contemplations, and Challenges”. This booklet highlights women faculty who in 2020-2021 achieved promotion, tenure, and various honors. The report also includes the latest comparative data that shines light on the status of women faculty at the college and campus level.
Alison Dickson was interviewed for an in-depth exposé, along with eight others, highlighting issues affecting the Latinx community in Chicago. The Field Foundation of Illinois funded production and dissemination of this story through its Media and Storytelling program and it will be published in a book next year. You can read more here:,
Eliza Forsythe was quoted in the NY Times article “How the Economy is Actually Doing in 9 charts”.
Augustus Wood was featured in an interview on the University website for his “Off the Shelf” podcast through the Humanities Research Institute (HRI): Get to Know: Augustus Wood, Podcast Host | HRI – Humanities Research Institute – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Russell Weinstein’s paper “Firm Decisions and Variation across Universities in Access to High-Wage Jobs: Evidence from Employer Recruiting,” will be published in Journal of Labor Economics, and is now published online ahead-of-print at